Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the Sunshine.

You can ask if I'm ok, but I won’t answer. But I know you care in the good way. Also, you'll be able to tell because I'm hooked to a heart monitor. If it beats 68 four times then 76 once, well, then you're going to know. I can get a bless if I need it and I can get a bless even if I don’t. Write the letters and feel the pain but let the words fill it and heal it.

Don’t let others feel the same sadness. Hide and don’t let them find you. Childhood game. So it’s ok. Sometimes I feel my face and the ocean water must have spit on me. Salt stays dried on my cheeks, and stings my eyes. The earth rids the reality of it. 10 seconds on TV and 100 words in news print. Shocks roll in and out, no expectation. No prep.

 I put my head in the cold, dark ocean; no one can hear the scream. Watched the sun go down to shed tears in the dark. I feel like it can pass now. This time I’ll let it travel through instead of washing over my crippled mass. Rolling me, scraping me. I bled.
           I f
My friends and family need me back; I see it in their eyes. I need to fight for me, and for you. Waiting for the day where the dark will limp away and Sunshine will fill the spaces once again.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


where i come from....

blue skies
white fluffy clouds
fresh air
cool, but warm....clean breeze with the sun
greenest grasses
sound of meadowlarks
sprinklers in the distance
dad smells like mowed lawn
hearing fish surface in the pond
fourwheeling through the ice cold stream
getting up before the day to run
dirt roads
thin air
watching the sunrise
crisp mornings with dew
working next to nature
quaking aspens fluttering
country music
tan, heat
ice cold water
streams gushing water
afternoon rain showers
family dinner on the back porch
deep blue silhouetted mountains
laying in the hammock
soft bawling of calves
the mew of an elk herd
campfire smell
bonfire stories and songs
pitch black skies
a million stars
coats and holding hands
ping pong tournaments in the barn


going to bed with the sound of paradise
and when i wake up...?
i do it all again.

this is my home.

Monday, March 5, 2012


failure turns to revenge.
disappointment to anger.
my tears to loathing.

couRAGE isn't happiness.
couRAGE isn't glory.
couRAGE is sometimes ugly.

"show me a man who has never failed....and i'll show you a man who has never tried"

we need to fall.
scrape my knee.
make me bleed.

ill be better than you.
stronger than you.
faster than you.

if you make me fall nine times... you're only making me get up ten.