Monday, May 14, 2018

One Step at a Time... (even if you've gotta TUCK AND ROLL BABY!)

I’m 13 weeks post-op and I’ve learned 

quite a bit in the last 2 weeks... 


✨ Don’t watch Ridiculousness 30 minutes post-op (Laughing hurtssss)! 

✨ I use my stomach muscles way more than I thought. 

✨ For the first time in my life I disliked our 15 mile dirt road to the ranch... πŸŒ„πŸŒ² 

✨ Patience is NOT a virtue. It’s a skill that a select few are born with. (I evidently am not one of those people...😳) 

✨ If no one is around to help you sit up from bed.... tucking and rolling is as efficient as any other method. 

✨ Surgical glue + my skin = giant blisters and rashes. 

✨ Open blisters and essential oils don’t make for a happy evening. 

✨ Benadryl for said allergic reaction is an efficient way to pass out mid sentence. 

✨ And most importantly, these SCARS will only a reminder that I BEAT whatever tried to hurt me. ✨πŸŒΈπŸ† 

As always, we’re holdin’ strong and I’m just taking one step at a time! 


PS: That juicy steak was INCREDIBLE. 

#GetUp10 #BeautyScars #HealingandLearning #GLITTERLining #OneLessOrgan #RoadtoRecovery #NeverGonnaKnockMeDown #IGetKnockedDown...ButIGetUpAgain...YouAreNeverGonnaKeepMeDown #90sKid