Friday, May 31, 2013

his return.

i feel the wall crashing down again.
he had been away for so long.
my heart beats harder and his gate shuts off in my throat
i can feel his waters lapping at the back of my eyes.
but he is strong. we are strong.
he has to be, the choice is simple and secret.
those secrets.
they scrape, scarring the inside of the wall.
they never escape.
they CAN'T escape.
the wall protects my heart at it's weakest.
when all else crumbles down, he holds strong for me.
he really is the only one i've learned to trust.
we were best friends for awhile.
and he's come back.
I never doubted he'd show up soon, with all the commotion.
he chills my heart and puts hot irons down my throat.
but i love him.
he takes me away.
he lets me hurt in private.
the water on my face dries before anyone can see.
and this time, i think he may be staying for awhile.

daddy's little girl

and these last strides,
You’re in white while your prince stands waiting.
small hand slips too soon from my own.
 into another's grasp.
Music plays into the night
For the moment, you’re in my arms again.
Arms that once rocked you to sleep.
not worried about if time passed by.
Because for the moment, I held tomorrow in my arms.
But this night, I hold someone else's tomorrow.
yet, when I looked down at you laying on my chest,
it's easy to say that no boy in the world could love you more than I love you.
You’ve found your Prince Charming
but I’ll always be your king.
My princess is married,
And now you’re HIS queen.
But remember, I loved you first.