Another week and of course a plethora of news! Thursday I was discharged from The University of Utah Hospital, as they no longer had the necessary or available resources I needed for my continued care.
We immediately headed toward Montana, to work with a doctor who has followed my path very closely for the past 2 years. He was optimistic regarding a treatment I had yet to try.
So, as we arrived yesterday, we immediately began some of new treatment Infusions. I was able to get in about 1.5 treatments yesterday afternoon and saw minimal relief, but I'm hopeful as we continue our treatments this Tuesday. Relief will increase with each treatment and each treatment generally takes around 45 min.
As the procedure begins, I am administered through an IV, by doctors, to begin the fusion. The medication used is actually the same medicine used they use as anesthesia. The medication is simply pumped into my bloodstream and it numbs and resets every nerve sensory receptor. This essentially allows the nervous system to shut down and then boot up again or "restart."
Not only is it incredibly successful in treating and resetting the sensory receptors of my nerves, to reduce the pain, but the infusion also hits every nerve from the top of my head to the bottoms of my toes.
There will be a follow up infusion treatment (Tues) about once per week, but that will all be determined by the success of each previous treatment, week by week. Next week (Tuesday) we plan to continue with the usual infusion but will also be adding Magnesium. It has been found to greatly boost neurological structures.
We have scheduled meetings with doctors all across the spectrum of the medicinal knowledge including: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infectious Disease, and a Dermatologist to run a skin DNA biopsy. Somewhere within all of these genius minds, we hope to find an answer or even a hint of where to go next.
We are currently at our ranch, between infusion treatments or doctor appointments, so I can rest in my own bed, as opposed to sleeping at the hospital, where they wake you up every 15 minutes to get your vitals!!
This is GOD's will. This is GOD's plan. And with that knowledge, please don't grieve for me....Just pray that I may always be who I was born to be.
Quitting isn't in my blood. Quitting isn't in my training. I was born to win and to succeed. And I will. No one knows how long that victory will take, but be aware...victory IS coming.
I have bravery. I have endurance. I have faith. I have strength. I have love. I have courage. I have hope. I have family. I have friends. I have a testimony. I have the atonement. And most importantly...... I HAVE GOD.
I've been poked, prodded, squeezed, stretched, bled, bruised, torn, shredded, and more.... but this is the end of this. It has to be. Because as always, I may get knocked down 9 times, but heaven help me.... I WILL get up 10.