Sooo, I have experienced my first and VERY HOPEFULLY my LAST “Air Embolism.”

Definition of Air Embolism:
An air embolism is a blood vessel blockage caused by one or more bubbles of air or other gases in the circulatory system. Very painful while going through the lungs. Divers can also suffer from a form of air embolism that is commonly referred to as “The Bends.”
While getting treatment today, I was doing my Ozone therapy first, where they take blood out and mix it with O3 (Ozone) and put it back in through a vacuum pressured bottle. Viruses cannot live WITH oxygen, and therefore we hope to kill Vinny the Virus! Treatments have been great and I’ve felt very optimistic about really eliminating this virus from my body indefinitely.
Today, however, I had dozed off and while doing so, the nurses momentarily turned their backs at the same time my treatment was completed. The whole bottle was empty of blood, but Ozone and Oxygen remained in the bottle, and therefore was being vacuum pumped straight into my heart and lungs through my PICC line.
As I said, I had dozed off for just a few minutes and the next thing I know is the excruciating pain and the innate inability to breathe. With each heartbeat, I could FEEL and HEAR my heart make a “squish squish” “squish, squish” sound. (The only way I can describe the feeling and the sound pounding in my ears is the same sort of sound you’d hear when you blow out your pipes during the winter or when the water pump lifts from your pond when you're irrigating with pipes? #CountryGirlProbs LOL).
I could feel it in my chest and throat immediately and woke up to hard sharp pains in my chest and the horrible sound, along with not being able to take more than about a 10% breath. I truly thought I was having a heart attack or my lungs had collapsed.
I looked at my bottle/tube and my blood was completely emptied from the bottle, but the vacuum pressure was still pumping straight Ozone into my PICC line, that leads directly into my heart. I starting yelling (as best as I could with lack of oxygen) and I’ve never felt a more intense amount of pain or fear in my life.
My lungs began to seize from having Ozone pushed into them and I started dry heaving because my oxygen was cut off and my chest was tightening. At this point, I was straining for even a single breath. The nurses were running everywhere to get the oxygen machine and a puke bucket. Hahah (“I had em runnin!” As my Grandma Lil would say.)
I was close to passing out from the lack of oxygen in my system and from the horrible pain in my chest. My heart /chest felt tight and heavy and I could physically feel my lungs and heart pumping.
They kept asking if I was OK and I’m like “Um.... no. I’m NOT ok!”
Thankfully, after about 30 min, I could then take a deep breathe with only moderate levels of pain. I still have oxygen on and a heated sand bag on my chest/ribs to help me breathe the Ozone out of my lungs.