A good day turned bad real fast.... I currently have a permanent PICC line now for treatments instead of poking me every time because my lower veins are "valvey" and caving in. Which is good... and I’m starting the Absorbic Acid Treatments along with a new “MAH”/Ozone Treatment (or in other words oxygenating my blood and then putting it back in) Viruses are anaerobic and can’t live with oxygen.

Well, the PICC line procedure was a DISASTER!!!! We were there for FOUR HOURS......
- First, she put the wrong kind of PICC line in (She gave me a single-port and I needed a 2-port PICC) Which, of course, she didn't realize until AFTER she sewed in all up and cleaned it...
- So, next, she switched it out for a 2-port PICC and re-stitched it all AGAIN...
- Next, we trudged our way all the way across the hospital to get my X-rays to make sure the PICC was in the right place— AND ITS WAS GOING UP MY NECK!!!!!!!! So.....
- She then tried again and my tendon collapsed so she had to leave the tube in my arm, while I bled all over the surgery table and floor (I'm currently on blood thinners) and after 15 minutes of hearing my blood splatter on the ground went for attempt #4...
- And finally, on CUT #4 with a whole new doctor... he finally got it in after a lot of Lidocaine and heavy heavy breathing. Holy hellava dayyy...
4 hours in a surgical gown, 17+ shots = over 8mg of Lidocaine, 8 sets of stitches torn out and then re-sewn, 4 different PICC lines, 3 surgeons, 4 X-rays, 1 PICC line going up my NECK (instead of my heart)...counted 35.5 tiles on the ceiling, 19 trees in the painting on the wall (27 if you count the shrubs), and 16 spindles on the ceiling fire sprinkler.......
We will have to clean the PIIC line daily, as any bacteria or germs that travel through the tube will have access directly into my heart, so it is paramount that we sanitize is thouroughly every day and take precaution... Cheers to having Mr. PIIC line as a buddy for an entire MONTH.
#grinandbearit #bloodthinnersdonthelp #sprayingbloodfountains #massacreinroom114 #theyknockedmedown9times #igotup10 #anxietymuch ? #ionlycriedonce #ididntevengetasticker
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