Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tres Dias -- I think this would roughly translate to, uh...."Day 3". (Spanish.... btw)

Day 3 came with a lot less pain, definitely fewer tears, and a whole new day to TRY AGAIN.

And nothing beats having this squad behind you every step of the way. --> ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 

Our day started off a lot better today, with a little time to sleep in and begin treatment around 11:00 am rather than 9 SHARP.... and thanks to our handsome sherpa/noble steed, my back also had a reprieve on the walk over to the clinic. 

My first treatments for the day was a nice Ionized Foot Bath, which pulls toxins and all that GUNK out of you!! Talk about DETOX!!! 


My feet were placed in a nice and warm foot tub with a special gizmo machine that PUUULLLS out all of those heavy metals, toxins, and all other manner of "YUCK" from within... 

The photo below was taken after only about 3 minutes.
(Yellow = Kidneys and Urinary Tract/Bladder) 


Here it goes... 
turning that beautiful shade of POO POO BROWN!!!!

Then the bubbles started forming like something you'd see in pond scum and disgusting black flakes. 


My official "reading" after 30-minute soak: 

* Yellow = Detoxing from my kidneys, my urinary tract, and bladder

* Orange = Detoxing from joints

* Brown = Detoxing from liver

* White / Black / Red Flecks = Detoxing from my lymphatic system, heavy metals, and blood clot material

To top off the foot bath, the wonderful nurses cleaned, exfoliated and lotioned my feet with a mini foot reflexology massage. It was a great relaxing way to begin the day. 

Next! We went straight into some Blood Ozone Therapy. If you've followed my journey before, this is something I did very often last year. This therapy is based on the premise that autoimmune diseases, like Lyme, cannot thrive or grow within an OXYGENATED environment

During this therapy, a large amount of my own blood is taken out to then oxygenate and put right back in. 
(We are talking about "O3" Oxygen, not your usual "O2")

This therapy is relatively painless, besides the initial POKE of that massive as heck needle.... and then, unfortunately, my blood loves to run like molllaassassses.... so the process of getting that huge bag of blood I was talking about?
Yeah.... about 20 minutes of repositioning and digging that beautifully sharp needle in deeper and deeper.... but alas, 

Once oxygenated, blood turns this awesome shade of bright, neon-colored Superhero RED and is gravity flowed right back into my veins, ready to fight for the Avenger Squad and kick some Lymie Ass. 

That bag was hanging about 10 feet in the air and only took about 1/4 of the time to go back in me as it took to pull it out!!

I guess I'm glad that my blood prefers to be 
IN my veins rather than OUT

Good things. Glitter linings. and Happy Therapies!

Soon after, I did some Magnetic Therapy and I could try to explain an amazing "pull it outta my booty" explanation of how the negative ions and atoms in my body react to the positive electrodes placed on my neck, shoulders, belly button, hips, knees, and ankles... 
then do a cool thing that leads to more cool things. 

To top it off, they even had one of those "weighted" eye masks that just feel heavenly for some unknown reason. So I may or may not have fallen asleep about 3 times during this therapy. (tehehe) 

Anyhow, I won't even pretend to know what exactly this therapy does or how it works but here's what it looked like from the outside looking in!! 

Extraordinary... I know.  

Of course, to end our day, we always get to meet with wonderful Dr. Ben who makes my back hurt a whole heck of a lot so that I'm crying all over his dumb crinkly paper doctor bed... 
(like really.... who else is exceptionally 
uncomfortable on those tables?!) 

Also seen below is a not so rare moment of making horrible faces as I try to breathe in and out as he shoves a 6" needle right into the base of my skull.....and then not pass out!! 

And yet, we always seem to leave with smiles and even sometimes some laughing is involved...

As of today, Dr. Ben has given me just over 12 MILLION stem cells. 
(About 4.5 Mil each day)

We concentrate on a new "pain" area each day and evidently... 
today was the skull. 

VERY PLEASANT. (Yiiiiikkkess

Day 1:  4 - 6 Injections under each of my shoulder blades

Day 2:  8 Injections below my bra line, straight down my spine...boom, boom, boom, boom.... x2

Day 3:  Too many to count injections into my neck and lastly, my skull... Not suggested. 

Day 4:  A mystery so far.... because I HATE HATE HATE when I see that cute little Hispanic nurse come walking into the communal room and call out my name for "shot time!" 

So, for now... I'm not quite sure what part of my body I want to be stabbed on tomorrow...but I'll be sure to let you know ❤✌💭

Here we are AFTER treatments today... 
half smile is better than no smiles 
I'm taking today as a WIN!!

** Especially when we found a CIRCLE K convenient store across the street from our hotel and got to restock our snack pile!! 

SCORE. Annddd..... we out. 👊

1 comment:

  1. Get up 10 Kizzy! We all know your tougher than Vinny ��
