Monday, March 22, 2021

Back to Speed with Mr. Lymie

It's been a year guys. Hello again!! I'm back. 

Of course, because of COVID, the Bio Advanced Clinic in Mexico was closed for the majority of our 2020 calendar year... HOWEVER, Mama was baking our little bun in the oven and wouldn't have been visiting for treatments anyhow. It seems as if it was the perfect year, despite everything, to have a little miracle. In those 9 months + 3 months of breastfeeding, I felt the best I'd felt in over half of a decade now. Not only did we receive the greatest gift of our lives but I was also blessed with a pretty dang pain free year; ironically enough, considering what was happening in the world. Seems to me that we had our own glitter linings raining down on us in 2020. God is good. 

But alas, breastfeeding stopped - hormones changed - and Mr. Lymie came rushing back like a bat outta hell. So here we are; back with our friends in beautiful, safe, and clean Tijuana, Mexico. (*insert heavy sarcasm)

I'm anxious to see our friend Dr. Ben and see what my blood looks like after a year and a baby later. More on that in about 3 hours. 

For now, just a quick update on this year's gifts from Mr. Lymie, as they've changed / morphed / transformed into Mr. Lymie 2.0. 

I began feeling my beautiful detox symptoms back about 2 months ago. These can manifest purely from stress and the build-up of Lyme die off OR build up (more likely the case) in the body. I've gotta hand it to 'em, even in death, my fun loving Lymie's are creative little bastards and manage to find any and every imaginable way to exit my body. As I tell anyone who asks, "If it's a hole, they'll try to exit through it." Sounds lovely huh? 

For example, they've shown themselves in the form of blood oozing out of my ears, waking up with 7 styes in my eye overnight, massive and painful boils in various locations on my body, infected toes and fingernails, hair loss, bleeding mouth ulcers, diarrhea, vomit, cracked and bleeding feet, extended or extreme menstrual blood loss, ingrown hairs, and ohhhh so much more. 

THIS particular year, my evil friend has chosen throat sores, infected toes, cracked and bleeding feet, ulcers in my throat, sores on my cheeks, sluffing mouth, boil-like acne on face / shoulders / chest. 

Let's break it down for ya:

Throat and Cheek Sores:
These lovely things started making an appearance a few weeks ago, making eating intensely difficult. Along with some sores, the skin in my mouth has been peeling in large pieces as if I'm shedding skin like a snake. It's nasty but overall, pretty manageable. I'd give their effort about 4/10.

........... until they said, "PSYCH! WATCH THIS." Last week, my throat became exponentially more sore and swelled, making eating or swallowing very very difficult. Therefore, I haven't eaten a full meal in 8 days now... but hey, I've lost 10 lbs. #GlitterLinings

Bleeding Feet and Toe Infections:
At their worst, my feet cause me to mostly crawl around my house. Otherwise, I limp my way around while I usually medicate, moisturize, and oil beneath bandages and my ever gorgeous fuzzy sock game. 

Paired with my cracking soles, my toe nails randomly get infected as if I have an ingrown toenail. Usually, I can soak my feet in special essential oils that pull out the infection and all is well. THIS TIME, however, my body reacted differently to this tried and true method (SHOCKER, I knowwww... since when does "typical" treatments NOT work on Kizzy?! *gasp*) .... These oils gave me a 3rd degree chemical burn. Lovely. 

Boils / Acne on Face, Shoulders, Back
These are painful but mostly just annoyingly inconvenient since I have ZERO energy to do my makeup and cover up the monstrosity that I call my face right now. And no, they don't pop or go away until they WANT TO. No chance in evicting these suckers. They're stuck like glue. 

Moving on, this trip is a bit different for several reasons. First and foremost, I am now a mother but I'm in TIJUANA, MEXICO..... probably not the most ideal place for a 4 month old baby to travel. Especially right now. So I had to leave her at home with her Daddy. This is the first time I've left her overnight and we'll be gone for 4 days AND be completely out of the country.... needless to say, I was freaking the FRICK OUT. (*deep breathes*) 

So yes, I'm struggling. But I have to remind myself that I NEED to be here in order to get better for Braelyn. Taking care of my health isn't just for me anymore. If I didn't continue my treatments immediately, I couldn't be the best mom I could be for my little girl in the long run. So here I am and I'm going to survive this.*
***(this is me lying through my teeth) 

Secondly, our trip is also different because the Clinic has now significantly changed their protocols and treatment schedules. Before, I would have been here for a full 5 days and each day at the Clinic lasts the full work day (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM). 

NOW, my treatments are only 3 days and I am at the Clinic from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Needless to say, when I'm there... they'll GET SHIT DONE!!! No more waiting around for hours at a time - Halle-FREAKING-lujah!!! 

Sooo, fingers crossed and our hearts are hopeful that this will be a great trip full of healing and rest! Excited for our adventure. 

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